ComfyCon AU 2024 Winter

Backing up your tech career: building redundancy in the face of redundancy

Another day, another big company making layoffs. It’s terrifying isn’t it?

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Biohacking wellness: physical and mental

As a casual biohacker I want to do a talk on how technology is helping in data driven insights, and how these insights can be used to optimise stress management, mental health and wellness.

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ComfyCon Intermission

A run through of a weird project I found online that is ComfyCon flavoured.

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Embracing the power of Neurodiversity in Cybersecurity

This talk explores the importance of fostering equity in recruitment and building a culture of inclusivity across an organisation, with a specific focus on the benefits of embracing neurodiversity in the field of cybersecurity.

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From Pollen to Protocols: Diversifying the Landscape of Cyber Risk.

I’ll be exploring risk assessment and management through a rather unique lens - the urban planning blunder of a city that solely planted male trees 40 years ago, leading to widespread asthma and hayfever in its inhabitants.

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GRC is for everyone: demystifying the what, where and why of Governance, Risk & Compliance in Australia

Born from a challenge to make Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) more interesting than watching paint dry, this talk explores the what, where, why of GRC and how as security professionals, we all can have a part to play.

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Green Fields for a Green Analyst: My first 90 days in cyber, with no experience and no security program

We all hear people talking about how you need to do your part for the “skills gap” and hire new, inexperienced staff, but could a green analyst really do the job if you can’t find anyone experienced?

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Hacking Humanity: Ethical Strategies for Influence and Connection

This presentation is designed to teach attendees about the ethical application of social engineering skills for creating positive outcomes in both personal and professional contexts.

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Influencing Security with no authority - Lessons from the field

Navigating the ultimate challenge of influencing change to a resistant or outwardly hostile audience, practical examples and guidance for all experience levels.

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Introduction to Threat modelling

Good quality penetration tests have two things; a deep understanding of the target, and an idea of a threat model - formalised or otherwise.

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Know your Avatar: mods, energy drinks and the vibrant, contested world of online gaming

Overview Controversy over the potential impact of video games on users has come and gone since the first games came on to the market.

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Profit from misery

Can we profit from the market’s fear from what the breach will do the company’s share price?

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Securing layoffs without being an a**hole

Layoffs are hard. It’s hardest on the employees who get let go.

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Securing REST API Endpoints Against Data Leaks: Or, How to Avoid Another Optus

Optus and their customers had a very bad time in 2022, with a massive data breach resulting in customer PII released into the wild.

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So you wanna be a freelancer?

For the hordes of people trying to break into the cybersecurity industry, or the folks who have just managed to get a foot in the door, the idea of one day becoming an “Independent cybersecurity consultant” probably sounds pretty kick-ass.

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Supply Chain Security: Eating SLSA for Breakfast

This talk dives into the SLSA framework following the journey of an organisation from 0 to 4.

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The Bonzi Chip: The Pitfalls of Success

Recently the hardware modification scene for a current generation console was blown wide open.

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Thinking of starting your own company? Do it! But maybe listen to this first

Having run my own cyber security startup for a few years now (since the start of 2020!

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To Insert, Swipe or Touch: A Credit Card Dilemma

If you have ever bought anything with a credit or debit card (and who hasn’t?

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What do you really need to authenticate?

To login to your account you need a username and password and maybe an MFA token if they feel like being secure.

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Why Prefetch Artefacts are Like Ducks

This talk will provide an introductory guide to prefetch examination, focusing on potential applications for forensic analysis.

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Why Security Initiatives Are Doomed to Fail and What You Can Do About It

Have you ever found that every security initiative fails despite the best of intentions?

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