The blunt advice about getting a job in cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a well sought-after industry. So, you studied hard at University, maybe you want to transition from that accounting disciple, or perhaps you just watched Mr. Robot one too many times. You’ve asked for advice countless times, but continue to be told the same story. Sound familiar? In this presentation I’ll discuss the advice everyone is afraid to talk about including:

  •     Determining if you’re really going into the right industry
  •     The reality about being a junior in the industry
  •     Going beyond the technical jargon
  •     The attitude and mindset towards effectively building rapport and relationships
  •     The commitments and sacrifices you have to make towards the cybersecurity career path

Participants will feel the same rush of inspiration after watching this presentation like they do from a TED talk at 2AM in bed. Participants will be ready to tackle the world after receiving hard-hitting and effective advice that is rarely voiced.